Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jet Setting the Tone......

Talking trash can be a flip of a coin sometimes. You can talk mess and back it up on the field. Or you can run your mouth and promptly get run off the field....Chad Ochocinco knows a little bit about this. Although some, not to name names, Bill Belicheck, frown upon talking a little trash before a game; it was proven that it can be awesome if executed properly. Not saying that the words from the Jets mouth put on pads and dominated Tom Brady, but the talk leading up to the game gave the Jets an extra shot of life before Sunday nights game. Led by the trash talkin-ist head coach of all time in Rex Ryan, the Jets took care of the Spurs of the NFL 28-21. Not to mention, in New England. By the way, I refuse to make any reference to the New York/Boston rivalry in this post. ESPN has successfully beat the Yankee/Red Sox rivalry down harder than Ike did Tina.
Trash talking is nothing new, Joe Namath did it when he guaranteed a win over Baltimore in '60 something. Belicheck benched Wes Welker for the first few series of Sundays game for his use of creative trash talk, and on the other sideline, Rex Ryan encourages it.
"Jets head coach Rex Ryan held a conference call with New England reporters this morning, and the first question was what his reaction was to cornerback Antonio Cromartie's remarks about Tom Brady.

Ryan said he was unfamiliar with them, and asked media members to fill him in.

"First off, in this country, you're allowed to have opinions, and all that kind of stuff," he responded when told of the remarks. "Obviously, as an organization, we respect Tom Brady, there is no question about it. But hey, is there dislike between us and Brady, and Brady against the Jets? Of course there is.

"Am I going to punish Cromartie for saying something, or whatever? No. I know one thing, we respect New England, but we don't fear them. A comment like that, it's just the fact they're the enemy as we look at them this week."

Ryan was then asked if he felt those remarks crossed the line from fun trash talk to something else.

"Realistically, I'm sure that's basically what it was, just a comment that he made," Ryan said. "Trust me, they're saying a lot worse about me and others here, maybe it just wasn't printed."

A reporter then asked Ryan if he felt players followed his lead and that he incites such remarks. Ryan laughed.

"Yeah, of course," he said. "Maybe they do follow my lead in the fact that in that we can say what's on our mind or whatever. I don't say 'Whatever we do, don't say this, or don't say that.' We're a transparent organization. We let our guys speak and don't try to tell them what to say or what not to say."

Ryan was then asked if there was a risk in making such remarks, because it could make the Jets look bad if they don't win.

"We're going to be watching somebody else play, so it really doesn't matter. You either win or you don't. In this league, if you don't win, it's over. Your season's over," he said. "To think that a comment here or there is going to incite them to play at a greater level or something like that, I don't believe that's true. ... It doesn't matter what would come out of New England's locker room or anybody else's locker room, because you can't be more motivated than we are, and you can't be more motivated than New England is."

Talking trash is a way of burning your boat. Much like soldiers did back in the day by burning their boat before going into war, as in "Theres no turning back". No boat, no bitchin' out and going home. Jets were in this and they committed when they said "Brady is a F-king A--hole" and that they "want him on his back as much as possible". I LOVE IT! Maybe the Pats couldve used a little more of these means of motivation instead of being robots (yes, I understand that the Pats have 4 rings. But thats in the past). Im NOT a Jets fan, but its good to see a team finally back up some good trash talkin'. This NY and Pittsburgh matchup is going to be a doozy.

Tony's take:

AFC Championship
Steelers 24
Jets 17

NFC Championship
Bears 27
Packers 24

Get out your wallets and make the bet.

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