Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Suck it up College Players.......

I'm hearing a lot about college players getting upset with not getting paid while they're in school for jersey sales, video game covers, etc. First of all, if you're good enough to have a jersey in circulation or to be on a video game cover at the ripe age of 20, then chances are that you're gonna be ok in the financial department in a few years. Secondly, YOU ARE GETTING PAID DUMB ASS! You're getting a free education at a top notch university with the free meals, books, and I'm sure the best dorm that the school offers. Not the P.O.S. I lived in at Texas State University (no disrespect Falls Hall, much love). Also, if chicks were currency, I'm sure you're filthy rich. Being on national T.V. most weekends with a few guest appearances on ESPN top 10 has to help with the ladies. So instead of b*tching about how you didnt see any benjamins from one of those nameless jerseys in the stands, just be happy for what you got.....a HOV lane to fame and fortune. Just stop being greedy and wait your 3-4 years to get rich instead of a lifetime like the other 95% of the world.

Oh yeah, that reminds me.....I got a letter today requesting that I turn in my bowling trophy from 2nd grade. The committee just found out that my day care gave me arcade money the day I bowled that stellar 84. They're erasing all my records. Those bastards.

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