Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Roger Goodell = Bill Lumberg

The NFL is proposing taking the season to 18 games. Basically cutting out the Pre-Season. Roger Goodell, his minions, and the owners say that they would approve of the 18 games.......SHOCKER! You mean the owners would be open to extending the season to 18 games because thats what the "fans want"? Let me get out my calculator here....(shuffles office supplies around).....MORE GAMES x MORE FANS + FOAM FINGERS + $22 BEERS + TV SHARE / 3.14 - BRAINS = MORE MONEY! More money equals more suits and more executive suites for the stadium, Yesssss. 99.8% of the NFL players are opposed to it for obvious reasons. 1. Wear and tear on the body (See Brett Favre) 2. Reduces the importance of the regular season games. More games means more losses will potentially get you in the playoffs C. How are the rookies and guys fighting for spots supposed to prove themselves with less or no preseason games? 4. The NFL is actually asking the players to take a pay cut but play more games. What is this, Office Space? "Im gonna go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturrrday....mmkay?" I'm sure that will go over just fine. So considering that there's a potential lockout next season, I'd say it might be a smart idea to do what the players ask. But what do I know, Im just a fan.....

Coming Soon.....My stadium breakdowns and the best NBA play of all time.......and it doesnt involve Jordan.

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