Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fair weather fans deserve storms.....

This post is a little late, but at the end of May, the Chicago Cubs made a trip to Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. Nice little Interleague contest, should be entertaining right? I was unable to attend the game but I watched on WGN, brutal enough. I couldn't help but notice all of the Cubs fans in attendance, not to mention the most un-professional, biased sportscast of all time. Whenever the Cubs would get a hit, I could hear all the fans cheering. Almost a 50/50 split I'm sure.

My question is where did these guys come from? I mean really? Did they bust out their dusty jerseys, caps, and T-shirts from the closet that they never wear? Maybe they bought a shirt when in the Chicago airport once and decided, "hey, lets go root for the cubs. I have a cubs shirt i can wear. I'll act like I'm die hard and that I've been rooting for the team my whole life." Did the city of chicago ship a bunch of fans to Arlington on a Greyhound? Im not sure but I know that Yankee and Red Sox "fans" are the same way. I just want to punch every one of them in the face individually. Line 'em up. Unless you're an old man in a wheelchair. But even you're riding a fine line sir. I mean, a few scattered fans are ok, I expect that. But dont act like they're your "team". Chances are that you couldnt even name everybody in the line up or tell me where Johnny Damon went.

Also, if someone asks you who your favorite teams are and you reply with, "ah dude, Lakers, Yankees, and Saints dude".....don't ever talk to me again (unless you're from each one of these cities.) Other teams that qualify for this example are the Colts, Red Sox, Cubs, Celtics, Red Wings, and the NY football Giants. The Rays are almost on the list too.

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