Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hey Lebron and Bosh, dont be "those guys".....

Dont do it. Dont pull a KG and Ray Allen and head to a team that was mediocre and win a championship. Please don't pull a New York Yankees and create a lop sided team in the east, it's horrible for the game (btw, am I the only one that hates Mark Texiera? He's the only MLB player that can not stand). "But Tony, didnt your precious Dallas Cowboys do it in '94 with their championship by signing Prime Time?" Actually no, thats ONE player on the field with 10 others. We're talking about adding the 3rd greatest player of all time in Lebron (yes i said it) and another potential Hall of Famer in Bosh, to a roster with a guy (d-wade) that isnt too shabby himself (Its hard for me to give Wade too much love ever since the '06 finals when the miami cheat took more trips to the line than Michael Irvin did in the glory days). So if this becomes reality, you'll have a starting 5 that will be too strong for ANYBODY to compete. The only thing that would cost them a title would be an injury. I'm sure David Stern would love this and he would get all the ratings he wanted if the Fakers and Cheat made it to the finals next year. (Queue stoner in the quad "it's a conspiracy man"). But what happens to the Bucks, Kings, Sixers, Wizards, and the other teams that will have absolutely NO shot at a tilte for the next X amount of years. Team morale and the fan base will simply be going through the motions just trying to get through the season with false hopes. Scratch that, NO hope at winning a title.

So for the NBA, dont do it. Lebron, go to Chicago and win a few more rings for the Bulls. Bosh, head to Miami by yourself. Joe Johnson and Amare, see you in New York and I hope you can get that franchise turned around. Yao Ming, just stay put because you'll just go shatter some other teams dreams when you get hurt again. And Dirk, do what you're supposed to do and stay put and win me a title.

P.S. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict that the city of Cleveland will HATE Lebron for leaving. Although I dont blame him, but the bitter Cleveland fans need something to add to their wall of shame. Whenever I feel blue about my Dallas teams, I just think about Cleveland. Then my glass is half full. Which is good because it's filled with Jack Daniels on the rocks that I chug to ease my pain after each dramatic playoff loss (just kidding. I just made up the Jack Daniels part to look cool. Its usually filled with Iced Tea or Cool-Aid, preferably grape.)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pfffft.....Music these days......

Word on the streets is that most of the major music labels will be going under soon....

"Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke is warning the music industry is on the brink of collapse, insisting young musicians should resist signing record deals because the major labels will “completely fold” within months."

Here's a wacky idea, stop producing music that sucks! I have the perfect place to start for you big record labels.....taking notes?......get rid of Miley Sirus. Take your horse teeth and move on, You're a B-Spears train wreck in training. You call that music.....or talent for that matter? Then lets go ahead and cut Justin Beiber while we're at it and any other gimmicks that you have in mind in the comprehensive business plan. Dont get me wrong, I love to get crunk to Weezy, Jay Z, T.I., Drake etc. But Im not always at a lounge to drink red bull and vodka to those beats these days. I need less about how you're stuntin, less about your stacks, and less about how many hoes you got lined up.

Country music I wont spend too much time on. The 90's country music was the best, hands down. Hasnt been the same since. Really Tim McGraw? You remember when a coke was a coke and a screw was a screw? Well I remember when country music was good. Seriously, how does that song actually get recorded and put on an album...blows my mind. Yo T-Graw, you're actually a better actor than artist.....just sayin'. The Blind Sind was decent stuff.

Todays Rock Music is buhhh-rutal these days too. Really Hinder? Really Three Days Grace? I need more Incubus, Jimmy Eat World, System of a Down. Wheres the music that actually sounds good and has substance and a message? The 70's are a good example. Led Zeppelin, Boston, Journey, Beatles, AC-DC, Rush....what do these bands have in common? Its called staying power, learn about it today's bands!

Moral of the story, Music needs to be more than just something to party to. Give me something that opens my mind and makes me feel alive. Give me something with heart and soul and makes me think. (If you really want to do some heavy thinking, listen to Sigur Ros or Explosions in the Sky. If you dont figure some things out after listening to that, then you need to check your pulse). Get creative with the sounds and lyrics and maybe......if you have a brain and you're truly an artist......write your own lyrics from time to time! Yes, Im sure some of your heads explode when asked to do that, but remember how talented you are (rolls eyes)? Im sure you can do it........

Now go surprise me.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Strasburg Pirates......

Yes, Strasburg is sick. He completely dominated the Pitsburgh Pirates (not hard but still impressive) last night and lived up to the hype Lebron style. I'll spare you the stats because I'm sure that ESPN will shove it down our throats over the next few days. But what makes this even more sweet is that our old buddy Pudge Rodriguez was behind the plate during this history making debut. What can make a rookie feel more comfortable than having ole reliable behind the dish. I miss Pudge.

So it made me think of some other classic Rangers that have come and gone. This should bring back some good memories......

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fair weather fans deserve storms.....

This post is a little late, but at the end of May, the Chicago Cubs made a trip to Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. Nice little Interleague contest, should be entertaining right? I was unable to attend the game but I watched on WGN, brutal enough. I couldn't help but notice all of the Cubs fans in attendance, not to mention the most un-professional, biased sportscast of all time. Whenever the Cubs would get a hit, I could hear all the fans cheering. Almost a 50/50 split I'm sure.

My question is where did these guys come from? I mean really? Did they bust out their dusty jerseys, caps, and T-shirts from the closet that they never wear? Maybe they bought a shirt when in the Chicago airport once and decided, "hey, lets go root for the cubs. I have a cubs shirt i can wear. I'll act like I'm die hard and that I've been rooting for the team my whole life." Did the city of chicago ship a bunch of fans to Arlington on a Greyhound? Im not sure but I know that Yankee and Red Sox "fans" are the same way. I just want to punch every one of them in the face individually. Line 'em up. Unless you're an old man in a wheelchair. But even you're riding a fine line sir. I mean, a few scattered fans are ok, I expect that. But dont act like they're your "team". Chances are that you couldnt even name everybody in the line up or tell me where Johnny Damon went.

Also, if someone asks you who your favorite teams are and you reply with, "ah dude, Lakers, Yankees, and Saints dude".....don't ever talk to me again (unless you're from each one of these cities.) Other teams that qualify for this example are the Colts, Red Sox, Cubs, Celtics, Red Wings, and the NY football Giants. The Rays are almost on the list too.

Monday, June 7, 2010

So it begins...................

I've wanted to start my own blog for a while now. Different things have held me back for a variety of reasons. What things? Well......babies, puppys, jobs, spit up, dirty diapers, lack of sleep, poop on the floor, yard work, piggy back rides, and watching I Carly and Mickey Mouse Club House to name a few. But low and behold, my first blog. So it begins.......