Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Letter to Texas…….

It’s been 3 years since I’ve left you. As I watched the Dallas skyline disappear in my rear view mirror, Id by lying to you if I said a tear didn’t roll down my cheek. We moved away for special reasons. Reasons good enough to justify leaving, but it was still hard to do. I think about Texas every day. Every day I drive to work surrounded by Nebraska license plates, I think about Texas. Every day I hear these Midwesterners call a soft drink, “pop”, I miss Texas. Every time I’m forced to hear about Nebraska football in the summer, I miss Texas. Every winter that I have to shovel my driveway to remove 2 feet of snow, that’s when I miss Texas the most.

Texas is where I was born. It’s where I fell in love with the big blue sky and the massive night sky with stars that I swear I could touch. It’s where I watched meteor showers with my Uncle David and couldn't stop looking at the sky for hours. It’s where I spent summers at my Grandma’s house and played 9 inning baseball games in her yard, by myself. It was beautiful. Texas is where I would spend Thanksgivings and Christmas’ in Houston with my cousins and spend all our time making trails and playing football. Texas is where I would get the darkest tans and swim in the best swimming pools. It’s where the best sunsets happen over fields of bluebonnets. One of the best parts of life is sitting outside during the summer time at sunset and watching the light reflect off the clouds. If we were lucky, we could watch a thunderstorm roll in and enjoy the light show. The great state of Texas is home to the Hill Country with crystal clear rivers, and its home to the greatest city skyline known to man, that’s Dallas. Texas is where I met my wife, Traci. The greatest thing to ever happen.

Most importantly, Texas is where my family is. My Mom, Dad, and Sister. I miss them the most. But my Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, 2nd Cousins, they’re all there. It’s where my Grandpa’s are buried, some of the greatest men I’ve ever known. The state is special, it’s sacred. Texas is home to some of my greatest friends. Friends that I call family and that I would do anything for. It’s where I want my family to grow up.

Being away from Texas has helped me appreciate the place I call home even more. Food isn’t the same. Culture isn’t the same. People are nice here and I’ve made some great friends, but it’s just not the same. I was a sports fan before I left, but my passion for my teams has elevated even more once I was surrounded by Dallas Cowboys haters, or non Rangers fans, and worst of all, people that don’t watch the NBA. When I talk Mavericks basketball, they act like I’m speaking Spanish. (Leave it to me to bring everything back to sports)

We’ll be in Texas again one day. It’s just going to take some time. I’m a husband and daddy now and I have to make husband and daddy decisions. This is where we’ll stay until we’re at a place where it makes sense to move back. And for those of you still in Texas, just appreciate her. She's a special breed.

Until we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post Tony! I miss Texas every day as well, and have to deal with Californians who hate on Texas and feel that CA is the best place on earth. It drives me nuts! Can't wait to get back to the Greatest Republic on earth!
    Well written pal.....
