Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ranger Danger

June 2, 2011 and October 27, 2011. One of the greatest and one of the worst dates in Dallas’ sports history. Each of which will be burned into the heads of Dallas sports fans for a long time. One associated with happy thoughts, the other with sad. There was a time during the NBA finals run that I would’ve sacrificed a Rangers or Cowboys title just to get that Larry O’Brien trophy. But little did I know that it would happen like this.
June 2nd was the night of the 15 point comeback in game 2 of the NBA finals. We all know what happened there and how unbelievable it was. But June 2nd seems like years ago compared to what happened on October 27th in game 6 of the World Series. Images from game 6 will haunt be for a long time. Cruz’s late break on the ball, Feliz meltdown, Hamiltons almost heroic moment, and Lance Berkman sending it over Kinslers head. Casual fans and Cardinal fans will see that as one of the greatest games in baseball history. I call it D day. D for “depressed”, “distraught”, “denied”, and “devestating.”
But to keep it positive, the Rangers are just getting started. We’re away ahead of schedule. We have a top farm system and money to spend. This could actually be the perfect storm brewing. I see a team that’s sticking together with a rowdy fan base and with heartbreak on the front of the mind, and determined to never let that happen again. We could easily see one of the greatest baseball dynasties of all time being groomed in front of our eyes. This seems impossible in today’s free agency and with teams like the Yankees and Red Sox getting in the way with their money. But all the signs are pointing to a dynasty. Much like the 90’s Braves’ runs, but with a few more titles. Maybe its wishful thinking, but it’s far from impossible.
With the NBA lockout and the Cowboys struggling (constantly), I see Dallas turning into a Baseball town. And that’s a beautiful thing.

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